Steuben County Office for the Aging
The Steuben County Office for the Aging has been designated by the State of New York to plan and coordinate services to meet the needs of our county’s older residents. We do this by working to improve access to services and by striving to expand the range of services available for older persons and their caregivers.
Our mission is to enable persons age sixty and older to continue living independently in a safe environment.
Under the Older American Act, we are charged with preserving, developing and protecting the services and rights of the older residents of our county.
Information and AssistanceInformation and assistance is designed to answer your questions, provide direct services, and to make referrals to other agencies. We have three office locations, each are positioned on a main floor with barrier-free access. Language assistance, interpretation and translation services are available. Office appointments are encouraged. Home visits may be scheduled for Steuben County residents who are homebound, or general circumstances make it difficult to leave their homes.
Hornell Senior Dining Club
20 Broadway Mall, Hornell, New York 14843