Hornell for the Holidays 2025 Kick off & Parade with Santa
Parade at 5:00 – Anyone wanting to join the parade be at the Center Street Parking lot by 4:45
Tree Lighting – Right after the parade
Santa’s Cottage – Open after tree lighting until 9 PM
— Everyone MUST enter through the tent, this year you will be given a letter and will be called to the lineup area by that letter. Meaning… All A’s will go first, then B’s, etc. This will allow everyone to take some time and enjoy the games, vendors, free snacks
— Everyone MUST enter through the tent, this year you will be given a letter and will be called to the lineup area by that letter. Meaning… All A’s will go first, then B’s, etc. This will allow everyone to take some time and enjoy the games, vendors, free snacks
— We will have the free Hot Coco & Cookies – Managed by the class of 2025, please feel free to offer them a donation for helping us out, all proceeds will go towards the class trip & graduation items.
— PHOTOS… Will not be taken/provided at this event by HPG. You are welcome to use your cameras & cell phones. Our goal is to keep the line moving faster at this event. (we will be providing photos at Santa’s Cottage at the rest of the cottage dates as long as the equipment works and supplies last)
— Stop by the Speed Sketcher table and meet International award-winning live party caricaturist Adam Pate. Sit for a free drawing of you and your family.
HHS Choirs
DJ Truth – will play music throughout the night
Craft Vendors, Game & Carnival Food – TBD
Letters to Santa:
— There will be a table where you can put your letters to Santa
— Remember to please “PRINT” your child’s name & full address or Santa’s Helpers cannot get a letter back to you
— Mailboxes will be at Santa’s Cottage and at the Hornell Post Office

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