This form is for any HPG Business and Organization that is holding events free to the community. Please complete the form below so that your event will be placed on our website and Facebook Events page section. Date Submitted (required) First Name (required) Last Name (required) Title Event Details for Facebook/Website Post Name of Business/Organization Hosting the Event (required) Your Email (required) Phone Number Link to your event post in Facebook (If one is created) Event Type* (Please select one) (required) CommunityBusinessRetail Event Start Date & Time (required) Event End Date & Time (required) Event Location Would you like HPG to create a flyer/cover page for your event? (If yes, please submit any photos to assist with creating flyer.) (required) YesNo Upload your featured image (.pdf, .jpg, .png, .doc, or .docx, maximum file size 2MB) Upload your logo (.pdf, .jpg, .png, .doc, or .docx, maximum file size 2MB) Upload your thumbnail (.pdf, .jpg, .png, .doc, or .docx, maximum file size 2MB)